This chestnut is cost-effective and tastes very good. A pack of 1⃣️0⃣️0⃣️ grams is less than 2 dollars. If the three squirrels are out of stock, this is definitely my best choice. Even if I am full, I will eat a bag because it is too delicious. I have tried almost all of Yami's chestnuts and the three squirrels are worth buying so far haven't eaten the rotten bad ones
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这个板栗性价比高 味道也很好 一包1⃣️0⃣️0⃣️克 才不到2刀 如果三只松鼠断货了 这个绝对是我的不二选择 我就算是酒足饭饱也会吃上一袋儿 因为太好吃了 亚米的板栗我几乎都试过了 这个和三只松鼠值得购买 目前为止没吃过烂的坏的