# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # A box of Wonderlab's that I bought before The small fat bottle nutritional meal replacement milkshake has not been finished yet. So keep drinking. The flavor I chose today is [Warm Milk Tea Flavor] Bubbling is simple. First shake the powder in the bottle vigorously. Then add boiling water. Less water. Stronger flavor. So you can decide according to your preference. Then continue to shake the small fat bottle. Let it be fully uniform. You can drink it! This milk tea has a very strong flavor. Very fragrant. Not very sweet though. I personally prefer fruit flavors. Because it is sweet haha. If you like less sugar milk tea flavor, you can try it. The small fat bottle is characterized by containing high protein and dietary fiber. Ideal for use as a sports nutrition meal replacement. Calories in this bottle are 261. However, the feeling of fullness usually lasts for 4-5 hours after drinking. In the end, the price of a bottle is $5. I personally think it's a bit pricey haha. If the price is cute. This little fat bottle is even cuter.
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# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # 之前入的一盒Wonderlab家的 小胖瓶营养代餐奶昔还没喝完. 所以继续喝起来. 今天选的味道是【暖暖奶茶味】 泡法很简单. 先狠狠的把瓶内的粉末摇均匀了. 然后再加入沸水. 水越少.味道就越浓. 所以可以根据自己喜爱来决定. 接着就是继续摇小胖瓶. 让其充分均匀了.就可以开喝了! 这款的奶茶味非常浓郁.很香. 不过不是很甜. 我个人更喜欢水果口味的.因为偏甜哈哈. 喜欢少糖奶茶味的可以试试. 小胖瓶的特点是含有高蛋白和膳食纤维为. 非常适合当作运动营养代餐. 这瓶的卡路里为261. 但是喝完饱腹感一般能够持续4-5小时. 最后就是一瓶价格5刀. 我个人觉得贵了些哈哈哈. 如果价格可爱些的话. 这小胖瓶就更可爱啦.