#亚米神仙减肥好物 # #爱吃又想瘦 # #0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation60d59c8a38a34855 What to eat during weight loss, Mao Buyi and Yang Zi are both eating konjac to lose weight, We also keep up 😄 Konjac is Konjac! The konjac of the brand Lesu, The quality is very good, the raw materials are good, so the taste is very smooth and tender, and it is very filling. I divided this pack into three pieces, and the remaining two pieces were packed in Miaojie fresh-keeping bags bought from Yamibuy.com and stored in the refrigerator. It was enough for me to eat two more times. After all, konjac is so full that I can eat a whole pack at a time. No, haha 😄 Why is it called konjac tofu, because it is like a whole piece of tofu, with similar softness and hardness. Take it out and clean it, and then cut it into different sizes according to your own preferences, cold salad, braised, bobo chicken, hot pot, etc., eat There are too many recipes, such low calorie, 0 fat, 0 sugar, obvious satiety, what are you waiting for, hurry up! 😊
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# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # # 爱吃又想瘦 # # #神奇减肥好物# # 减肥期间吃什么, 毛不易和杨紫都在吃魔芋减肥, 我们也跟上😄 魔芋就是蒟蒻啦! 乐素这个牌子的魔芋, 质量特别好,原材料好👍,所以口感很滑嫩,而且还非常管饱。 这一包我分成三份,剩下两块用亚米网买的妙洁保鲜袋装起来放冰箱,够我再吃两次,蒟蒻毕竟太有饱腹感了,一次吃一整包撑得不行,哈哈😄 为啥叫魔芋豆腐,因为就像豆腐块似的一整块,软硬度也很相似,先取出来清洗干净,然后根据自己喜好切不同大小,凉拌,红烧,钵钵鸡,火锅等等,吃法太多了,如此低的热量,0脂肪,0糖分,明显的饱腹感,还等什么,赶紧屯起来!😊