# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # I can't remember how many times I have repurchased this Shenghetang Coconut Fragrant Purple Rice Turtle Cream, but I still love it! Low-sugar beverages are easy to find, but low-sugar desserts are more difficult. So this Turtle Cream has always been my favorite. It not only has the taste of dessert, but also has health benefits. Guiling paste is actually a fairy grass, which is made of herbal ingredients and tastes very good in summer. This Guiling paste not only has a smooth taste, but also the coconut milk on the top and the purple rice inside, which are so rich in taste. A bowl of Guiling ointment has a strong sense of satiety and can be used as a late-night snack.
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# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # 这款生和堂椰香紫米龟苓膏我都记不得回购过多少次了,但是,还是爱吃! 低糖的饮料找起来容易,低糖的甜点嘛,就比较难得了。所以这款龟苓膏一直是我的最爱。它不仅有甜点的口感,还对健康有益。 龟苓膏其实就是仙草,是由草本成分的,夏天吃起来很好。这款龟苓膏不仅口感爽滑,最爱的还是上面的椰汁和里面的紫米,搭配起来吃口感太丰富了。 一碗龟苓膏的饱腹感很强,完全可以当夜宵。