A must-have fetish for aunt pain, boys pay attention, this is the correct way to open a warm man, don't say the classic lines when your girlfriend's aunt is in pain: "Drink more hot water (→_→)", buy a pack of warm stickers for Female tickets are more useful! When my aunt is in pain, I put a sticker on it, it will be warm and comfortable, and one piece will work for a day, which is great! o(≧ω≦)o
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yami_featured_image 姨媽痛必備神物,各位男生注意了,這才是暖男的正確打開方式,女朋友姨媽痛時不要再說經典台詞:「多喝熱水(→_→)」,買一包暖貼貼給女票更管用哦!姨媽痛時貼一貼,暖暖的會很舒服,一塊管用一天,特別棒!o(≧ω≦)o