# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # The taste of this Jianlibao's micro-bubble water is really unique. It's a mojito flavor. After drinking it, I sang Jay Chou's single. Jianlibao's micro-bubble water focuses on health and vitality. Of course, the calories in this bottle are not high, it is 25. But what I'm most curious about is what a mojito tastes like. After taking a sip, I didn't think there was anything special about the first product, just the taste of sweet soda, but after a while, wow, it really has a different wine taste. I can't describe what it is, it's probably the smell of mint and Chinese herbs. It's good to try it, very interesting.
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# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # 这款健力宝的微气泡水口味真是太有特色了,是mojito口味的,喝着喝着就唱起了周杰伦的单曲有没有。 健力宝的微气泡水主打健康活力,这瓶的卡路里当然也不高,是25。 不过我最好奇的还是莫吉托口味到底是什么味。一口喝下去,初品没觉得有什么特殊,就是甜甜汽水的味道,但是一回味,哇,真的有一种不一样的酒味。具体是什么形容不出,大概就是薄荷和中草药的味道吧。 尝尝鲜不错,挺有意思。