The long-awaited Dr.Ci.Labo toner. Generally, the products for pores tend to be oil-removing. Sometimes oil-removing and moisturizing are difficult to coexist. However, this one has the functions of cleansing dead skin cells, tightening pores, and moisturizing and hydrating💦Really It is an all-around water. Usually, I use a cotton pad on the T-zone to wet it. Then I apply it all over my face. Before I bought this, I had to ask a friend to buy it in Japan. Quality problem, fake problem. Really give you a big drop 👍ps: The cotton pad is also a drop of Yami
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千呼万唤的Dr.Ci.Labo爽肤水.一般针对毛孔的产品都偏向去油为主.有时候去油和补水很难共存.不过这款具有清洁角质.紧致毛孔.滋润补水💦真的是全能的一款水.一般我都会在T字部位用化妆棉湿敷.然后在全脸过一遍.以前买这款还要请朋友去日本代购.现在亚米上也有了 好开心 也不担心质量问题 假货问题.真的给你个大大滴👍ps:化妆棉也是亚米入滴