# 2021亚米面膜节 #Dr.Jart+Green Pill Mask - Soothing, anti-allergic and moisturizing, well-deserved reputation‼ ️ This Dr.Jart+ green pill mask is also very popular and has been planted for a long time until I started it. After using it, the feeling is that this is more suitable for me than the blue pill, soothes and calms the skin, and the moisturizing effect is very good! 🍀 Appearance design and packaging The new model still retains the design of the green pill, which looks very fresh and simple. Since this product is so popular, there are multiple anti-counterfeiting signs on the box. I can't tell the authenticity of the method of using the camera to turn on the flash, so I used the second anti-counterfeiting verification - put it in the freezer for 2 minutes, Check if there is a thermometer on the anti-counterfeiting label. Fortunately, the mask I bought has a blue thermometer. After I take it out, it will disappear soon as the temperature rises. It should be the real one! 🍀Eye mask material The material of this mask is officially declared to be 0.01D microfiber, which is 150 times thinner than ordinary masks. My personal feeling is that it is not so exaggerated. It is not the thinnest mask I have ever used, and it fits very well with the skin of the face. OK, it's a good material. 🍀Main ingredients and efficacy of mask Patented moisturizing ingredient aquaxyl - penetrates deep into the skin and keeps the skin hydrated Hyaluronic acid - super moisturizing, keep skin hydrated Aloe Vera Juice - Calms, hydrates and soothes skin 🍀How to use: After cleansing, gently wipe your face with toner; Apply the mask and wait for 10-20 minutes to allow the essence of the mask to penetrate completely Remove the mask and pat the remaining essence on the face until absorbed. 🍀Actual use experience The mask paper is relatively large. For my big face, it can barely cover the entire facial skin. The mask paper fits the skin delicately and has a mild medicinal smell. When I apply it on my face, I can immediately feel that the skin becomes soothed. The face becomes very supple, there is no sticky feeling, refreshing and comfortable, it feels very good, I will repurchase‼ ️
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# 2021亚米面膜节 #Dr.Jart+绿药丸面膜——舒缓抗敏保湿,名不虚传‼️ 这款Dr.Jart+绿药丸面膜也非常火,被种草已久,直到才入手。用下来的感觉是这款比蓝药丸更适合我,舒缓镇定肌肤,补水保湿效果很赞! 🍀外观设计与包装 新款还是保留了绿色药丸的设计,看起来十分清新简洁。由于这个产品实在太火了,包装盒上有多重防伪标志,那个用摄像头开闪光灯的方法我看不出来真假,于是用了用了第二重防伪验证——放入冰箱冷冻室2分钟,看看那个防伪标签上否出现温度计,幸运的是我买的这款面膜出现了蓝色温度计,拿出来后随着温度升高,很快就会消失,买的应该是真货! 🍀眼膜材质 这款面膜的材质官方宣称采用的是0.01D超细纤维,比普通面膜细150倍, 我个人的感觉是没有那么夸张,不是我用过最细的面膜,与脸部的肌肤贴合度很好,算是不错的材质。 🍀面膜主要成分与功效 专利保湿成分aquaxyl—深入肌肤,保持肌肤水润 玻尿酸——超强保湿,维持肌肤水润 芦荟汁液——镇定补水,舒缓肌肤 🍀使用方法: 洁面后,用爽肤水轻轻擦拭脸部肌肤; 敷上面膜,静候10-20分钟,让面膜的精华液完全渗透 取下面膜将脸部剩余精华拍打至吸收即可。 🍀实际使用感受 面膜纸比较大,对于我这种大脸庞勉强能盖住全部脸部肌肤,面膜纸细腻贴合肌肤,有一股不算淡的药味,敷上脸能立刻感觉到肌肤有变得舒缓,敷完脸部变得很水嫩,没有黏糊糊的感觉,清爽舒服,感觉很不错,会回购‼️