# 2021亚米面膜节 # JM SOLUTION Bird's Nest Mask, Super Long-lasting Moisturizing ❤️❤️ This JM SOLUTION Bird's Nest Mask is the latest product from Yami. It focuses on moisturizing. The first time I use it, I feel very good. Next, let me evaluate this mask for babies. 🍀Mask packaging The bird's nest in black glossy packaging and living in a blue transparent sphere is the main picture, which is eye-catching and generous, and looks very fresh and eye-catching. 🍀Mask material The mask paper used in each mask of JM's family is different. This one is not the same as the mask paper I used before. It is not too thin, but it is very soft to the touch, and the essence is very sufficient. A lot of leftovers can be used to wipe the neck and hands, refreshing and not greasy, like one! 🍀Main ingredients and efficacy of mask Bird's Nest Extract - Contains high moisturizing essence, which makes the skin hydrated and hydrated, and penetrates deep into the skin to keep the skin hydrated. Calendula + Kui Artemisia + 3 hyaluronic acid triple active ingredients to enhance skin vitality and supplement nutrition. Vitamin B12, provides nutrition to the skin, making the skin bright and clear. Snail mucus filtered water, with excellent moisturizing effect, restores skin elasticity and deeply hydrates. 🍀How to use: After cleansing, use toner to cleanse the skin; Take out the mask and stick it on the face; After 10-20 minutes, remove and pat the remaining essence until absorbed. 🍀Actual use experience The texture of the mask is soft and fits the skin very well. The essence is particularly sufficient. After using the mask, the face is very moisturised. The next day, the skin is still supple and clear. It seems that the high moisturizing effect is really amazing! # 一周瘦身大作战 # Do yoga while applying a mask, and you will not be delayed in beauty and fitness!
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# 2021亚米面膜节 # JM SOLUTION悦活沁润颜燕窝面膜,超持久保湿❤️❤️ 这款 JM SOLUTION 悦活沁润颜燕窝面膜是最近亚米秒杀入的,主打保湿,第一次使用感觉非常好,接下来就让我给宝宝们测评下这款面膜吧。 🍀面膜包装 采用黑色亮面包装、住在蓝色透明球体里的燕窝为主图,醒目大方,看上去很清新又醒目。 🍀面膜材质 JM家的面膜每款面膜采用的面膜纸不一样,这款与之前用过的面膜纸又不太一样,不算太薄,触感却十分柔软,而且精华液特别充足,敷完面膜后都有不少剩余,可以用来抹脖子和手部,清爽不油腻,赞一个! 🍀面膜主要成分与功效 燕窝提取物—含有高保湿精华,令肌肤水润保湿,深入肌肤保持肌肤水分。 金盏花+魁蒿+3重透明质酸三重悦活成分,提增肌肤活力,补充营养。 维生素B12,给肌肤提供营养,使肌肤明亮清透。 蜗牛粘液过滤水,具有卓越保湿效果,让肌肤恢复弹力,深层保湿。 🍀使用方法: 洁面后先用柔肤水清洁下肌肤; 取出面膜,贴在脸部; 等待10-20分钟后取下把剩余精华轻拍至吸收。 🍀实际使用感受 面膜质感柔软,十分贴合肌肤,精华液特别充足,使用完面膜后,脸部特别水润,第二天起来仍然是肌肤水嫩清透,看来高保湿效果确实很赞! # 一周瘦身大作战 # 边敷面膜边做瑜伽,美容健身两不耽误!