# 2021亚米面膜节 #This is my favorite "green" product, I have always loved Korean skin care products, they are cheap and easy to use. I have liked this aloe vera gel since high school, it is really easy to use, especially after I bought n0, it has bottomed out in less than two or three months. After each shower, apply a thick layer of aloe vera gel on the face, then use the n0 beauty instrument to lift the face and massage the skin, and finally wipe it with a tissue and rinse the face. The department is also much tighter.
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# 2021亚米面膜节 #这是我最爱的“绿色”晒货,我一向很爱韩国护肤品,一来便宜,二来好用。 由高中开始便喜欢这款芦荟胶了,真心好用,特别买了n0之后,更是不到二三个月就见底啦。 每次洗完澡出来敷一层厚厚的芦荟胶在脸上,再用n0美容仪提拉脸部按摩肌肤,最后用纸巾擦拭干净冲洗一遍脸部,瞬间感觉脸好像喝水了一样,脸部也紧致许多。