# 一周瘦身大作战 # 5/7 After exercising. Strongly recommend the orange flavored soda from the Arctic Ocean. It tastes exactly the same as when I was a kid. I'm sure many of you have had it like me. I also bought the glass bottle packaging on purpose. It feels more ritualistic to drink this way. Opening the bottle cap is also one of the fun. The steam in the glass bottle is really enough. In summer, it is invincible to drink to quench thirst. The orange flavor is also very strong. The juice content is 5%. Such a bottle has 120 calories. It's actually good. I feel full after drinking it. I can't even eat. Hahahaha This is not a good reason to lose weight and lose weight. And this one doesn't add any emulsifier. So shake it beforehand. Absolutely! By the way. Remember to refrigerate. It tastes better this way. Strongly recommend. Cheers 🍻
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# 一周瘦身大作战 # 5/7 运动完以后.强烈推荐北冰洋的桔子味汽水. 和小时候的味道真的一样一样的. 相信很多人都和我一样喝过它. 我还特意买了玻璃瓶包装. 这样喝起来比较有仪式感. 开瓶盖也是其中的一项乐趣. 玻璃瓶装的汽真的很足很够. 夏天喝起来无敌解渴. 橘子味也很浓郁. 介绍着果汁含量5%. 这样一瓶的卡路里有120卡. 其实还好.喝完了很有饱腹感. 也就吃不下饭了.哈哈哈哈 这是不是减肥瘦身的一个好理由. 而且这款不添加任何乳化剂.所以和之前可以摇摇. 真的绝了! 对了.记得要冷藏哦. 这样口感更佳. 强烈推荐哦. 干杯🍻