# 一周瘦身大作战 # Yellow dragon fruit 👉 unicorn fruit The best artifact to lose weight! Kirin fruit is rich in nutrients and has the reputation of fruit "caviar". Fruits with low calorie and high fiber are rich in dietary fiber, promote metabolism, and have good sweetness and taste. VC also has a whitening effect on the skin. As soon as our elderly have constipation, they will take a little bit of prevention every day. It is not advisable to be greedy.
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# 一周瘦身大作战 # 黄色火龙果👉麒麟果 瘦身最佳神器! 麒麟果营养丰富,有着水果“鱼子酱”的美誉,低热量、高纤维的水果,含丰富的膳食纤维,促进新陈代谢,甜度口感都很好,就是里面的籽大颗点.而且火龙果含有VC,对皮肤也有美白的功效.我们家老人一有便秘情况,每天都会吃一点点预防,不宜贪嘴,吃多拉肚子就麻烦了.