# 2021亚米面膜节 #福尔加Medical sodium hyaluronate repair mask This Fuerjia mask was bought casually by Yami when he was engaged in activities. At the time, he didn’t know the brand at all. Later, he learned that this mask is very famous, and it is also a domestically produced medical mask brand. The classic series of Fuerjia has white film, black film and green film. The one I bought is the white film, which mainly focuses on moisturizing and repairing, and anti-allergic repairing the skin. The main component of albuginea is sodium hyaluronate, 98% hyaluronic acid, which has a very good repair and hydration effect. It is suitable for mild to moderate acne, skin damage, skin allergies, pigmentation, extreme dehydration and other skin. A must-have medical repair mask after laser, water light, etc. It is mainly used for hospitals and beauty salons, and the repair and moisturizing effect is better after laser and micro-surgery. The white film is made of non-woven mask paper, which is relatively thin and compliant, and the essence is more moisturizing. I have sensitive skin, and there is no discomfort after applying it. After washing my face at night, apply it for 15 minutes and then peel it off. Soft and moisturizing. It is said that it will be very comfortable to apply after sun exposure, but I haven't had a chance to try it yet. If you need to get rid of acne, you need at least one cycle of treatment. Three weeks of continuous use, one tablet per day for the first week and two tablets for the next two weeks. At present, I have been using it for two days, so I don't know if it can relieve acne, but at least the moisturizing effect is very good. If you are curious, my babies may try it 🥰
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# 2021亚米面膜节 #敷尔佳医用透明质酸钠修复面膜 这款敷尔佳的面膜是之前亚米搞活动是随手买的,当时完全不知道这个牌子,后来才知道这个面膜很出名,而且还是国内生产的医用面膜品牌。 敷尔佳经典系列有白膜、黑膜和绿膜,我买的这款是白膜,主打补水修复,抗过敏修复肌肤。 白膜的主要成分是透明质酸钠,98%的玻尿酸,修复补水效果非常好,适合轻中度痤疮、皮肤有损伤、皮肤过敏、色素沉着、极度缺水等皮肤,做完微整、光子激光、水光等术后必备的一款医用修复面膜。主要专供医院和美容院,激光、微整术后修复补水效果更好。 白膜采用无纺布面膜纸,比较薄而且服帖,精华液较滋润,我本身属于敏感肌,敷完之后没有任何不适,晚上洗脸后敷上十五分钟后揭掉,第二天感觉皮肤还是水嫩的,保湿度很好。据说晒后敷这个会很舒服,我还没机会尝试。如果需要去痤疮的话需要至少需要一个周期疗程。连续使用三周,第一周需要每天一片,之后两周可以两天一片。目前我用了两天所以还不知道是否能缓解痤疮,但至少保湿效果很不错,好奇的我宝宝们不妨试试🥰