# 2021亚米面膜节 #I fell in love with Xinlan the first time I used it, what is the magic of it? It can remove all the dirt on the face. The dosage is quite large each time. It is thickly piled on the face for half an hour and then scraped off with a needle specially designed for acne. I really see the white dirt coming out. Any blackheads can be seen~ After washing it off, the skin is breathable and comfortable, and it is obviously very refreshing. I used to have the habit of squeezing pimples, making my face confused and full of pimples. Now I have dmc to get rid of blackheads once a week, which saves trouble and effort✌️ Find something to do, listen to music and surf the Internet for half an hour It's gone in no time, and I'm so relieved to see that my face is much cleaner~
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# 2021亚米面膜节 #我第一次用就爱上欣兰了,它的神奇之处在哪?它可以将脸上所有脏东西都清除掉,每次用量还挺多的,厚厚的堆在脸上半小时后用专门去痘痘的针头刮干净,真的看到白色的污垢出来了,什么黑头粉刺都看得见~之后再清洗干净,霎那间皮肤透气舒服,有明显感到格外清爽。 我以前都有乱挤痘痘的习惯,搞得自己的脸糊里糊涂的长满痘痘,现在有了dmc一周去一次黑头,省事又省力✌️找点事情做听下音乐上上网半个小时一下子就过去了,看到脸洁净多了也感到好欣慰~