# 2021亚米面膜节 #Japanese origin Yutianlan I have used it many times, this time I am sharing the yellow one~~ I have shared red and pink before, next time I decide to try the blue one. The yellow version is the golden royal jelly gold jelly mask, which is rich in two kinds of royal jelly moisturizing ingredients and beauty serum essence. Long-term use can maintain the elasticity of the skin, long-term moisturizing, and replenish the elasticity of the skin. There are three sheets in a box. The mask is transparent jelly-like, the gel is thick, the essence is very rich, there is no sticky feeling at all, and it absorbs quickly. Every time you wash your face after applying it, you will find that your face is smooth and tender, and it feels that the skin is really absorbed, and the moisturizing effect is great! Skin is super moisturised and instantly feels back at its best.
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# 2021亚米面膜节 #日本产地佑天兰我已经用过很多次了,这次分享的是黄色款~~之前有分享过红色的和粉色的,下次我决定试试蓝色的。 黄色款的是金色蜂王浆黄金果冻面膜,富含两种蜂王浆保湿成分和美容液精华,长期使用能保持皮肤的弹性、长效保湿,补充肌肤的弹力。 一盒里面有三片,面膜是透明果冻状的,啫喱厚实,精华液非常丰富,一点粘腻感都没有,吸收很快。 每次敷完洗干净脸会发现脸滑滑的嫩嫩的,感觉皮肤真的有吸收到,保湿效果杠杠的!皮肤超滋润,瞬间感觉让肌肤回复到最佳状态。