# 2021YamiMask Festival#snp I have used bird's nest and jelly masks, and Bingxiong's is the first time I have used it. I bought three from Yami and used two. Now there is only one left. Tell me about your experience. . The collection is available in four different colors/effects: Bamboo Charcoal Cleansing, Yellow Vitamin, Blue Hydrating and Green Calming Soothing. My piece belongs to the first category - clean. The packaging is a cute ice bear. The essence is thick and easy to apply on the face. After washing the face, the skin has the slightest whitening effect. It is mild and non-irritating. There are no signs of allergies after using it twice. This easy-to-use, inexpensive and cost-effective mask is a must have! How to use: After cleansing, first soften skin with lotion, apply mask to face avoiding eyes and lips, take it off after 10 to 20 minutes, and dab the remaining essence with your hands to absorb.
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# 2021亚米面膜节 #snp面膜有用过燕窝和果冻的,冰熊的是第一次用,之前在亚米买了三片,用了两片,现在只剩下一片,说说使用心得吧。 这款系列有四种不同颜色/功效可选:有竹炭清洁、黄色维他命、蓝色补水和绿色镇定舒缓。我这片是属于第一种——清洁。 包装就是一只可爱的冰熊,精华液浓稠,上脸服帖,洗完脸皮肤有丝毫变白的效果,温和不刺激,用了两次都没有过敏迹象。这种好用不贵性价比高的面膜必须去拥有呀! 使用方法是洁肤后,先以化妆水柔软肌肤,将面膜避开眼、唇后敷于脸部,10到20分钟后取下,用手轻印剩余精华液使其吸收。