#2021亚米面膜节 #MyMediWheelMask Collection Medivale, formerly known as Kelaisi, is a brand under the famous Korean skin care cosmetics L&P Group. Its facial mask can be said to be popular in Asia, and it has been one of the best-selling facial mask brands in Korea for many years. Its masks are generally very easy to use, and the price is also very high, which is a bit more expensive than JM SOLUTION. I first bought their ace face mask and reservoir injection mask, and I felt very good after using it, so I bought several of its masks from Yamibuy: Gold Sheet Circulating Acupoint Mask, Men's Black Charcoal Mineral Moisturizing Mask, PDF Anti-Allergy Oil control and sedative injection mask, and a cooperation mask with line friend. Gold Circulation Acupoint Mask - High-tech mask, mainly hydrating and moisturizing, firming the skin, very easy to use. Men's Black Charcoal Mineral Moisturizing Mask - I bought it for my teammates. It is a moisturizing mask suitable for men. It feels very good after use. P.D.F Anti-Sensitive Oil Control and Calm Injection Mask-Mainly repairing and calming, mild acne removal, soothing and moisturizing. Line friend cooperation repair mask - the main antioxidant repair, firming the skin. For the detailed evaluation of each mask, please refer to my previous products. I think the first mask is very good, it is super comfortable to use, and it is highly recommended!
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# 2021亚米面膜节 #我的美迪惠尔面膜大集合 美迪惠尔以前叫可莱丝,是韩国著名护肤化妆品L&P集团旗下品牌,它家面膜可谓是火遍亚洲,已持续多年成为韩国最畅销面膜品牌之一。它家面膜普遍感觉都非常好用,性价比也很高,比JM SOLUTION贵一丢丢。 我最早买了它家的王牌面膜水库针剂面膜,用完感觉非常好,于是从亚米陆续入了好几款它家的面膜:金片循环穴位面膜、男士黑炭矿物保湿面膜、P.D.F 抗敏控油镇静针剂面膜,以及与line friend的合作款面膜。 金片循环穴位面膜—高科技面膜,主打补水保湿,紧致肌肤,非常好用。 男士黑炭矿物保湿面膜—给队友买的,适合男士的保湿面膜,用完感觉很不错。 P.D.F 抗敏控油镇静针剂面膜—主打修复镇定,温和祛痘,舒缓保湿。 line friend合作款修复面膜—主打抗氧化修复,紧致肌肤。 每款面膜的详细测评可以参看我之前的晒货,我觉得第一款面膜非常棒,用完超舒服,强烈推荐!