# 2021亚米面膜节 #Competition of three JM Solution masks with 9 similar functional ingredients These three masks from JM SOLUTION Japan are named after the combination of letters and 9, namely C9, P9, V9, each letter represents the first letter of the main chemical components, c (collagen collagen), p (peptide wins peptide), v (vitamin), 9 means that this mask contains 9 chemical ingredients represented by the initials. 🍀 same vs different 🍃 Same as: 1. The same point of the three masks is the use of hot spring water from Kagoshima, Japan, which provides minerals and deep hydration to the skin. When the three masks are first applied to the face, there will be a slight tingling sensation. All three are priced at $5.99 per box of 5. After application, it is very moisturizing and not sticky. 🍃 Different: 1. The main ingredients of the three masks are different, and the effects are not the same. The c9 collagen elastic mask is mainly for elasticity and moisturizing, and the skin is radiant; the p9 peptide essence mask is mainly for firming the skin; the v9 vitamin ampoule mask is mainly for improving skin dullness , glowing skin. 2. The materials of their masks are different. The c9 uses a porous film cloth, which is comfortable to the touch; the P9 uses a long carbon black film cloth, which has strong adsorption; the v9 uses a cupro tencel film cloth, which is very light and thin. These three masks feel pretty good after application, and you can use them with confidence. My favorite, v9, is not only moisturizing but also shiny after application, and it is still supple and tender the next day!
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# 2021亚米面膜节 #三款含9种相似功效成分的JM Solution面膜大比拼 这三款来自JM SOLUTION日本出品的面膜,以字母与9的组合命名,分别是C9 、P9、 V9,每个字母代表了主要化学成分的首字母,c(collagen胶原蛋白),p(peptide胜肽),v(vitamin维他命),9代表这个面膜含有9种首字母代表的化学成分。 🍀相同 vs 不同 🍃同: 1.三款面膜的相同点是使用了来自日本鹿儿岛的温泉水,为肌肤提供矿物质和深层补水。 三款面膜刚敷上脸时,都会有些许的刺痛感。 三款的促销价都是$5.99,每盒5片。 敷完后都很保湿,不黏腻。 🍃异: 1. 三款面膜的主要成分均不同,功效也不太相同,c9胶原蛋白弹力面膜主打弹力保湿,焕发肌肤光彩;p9胜肽精华面膜主打紧致肌肤;v9维他命安瓶面膜主打改善肌肤暗沉,焕发皮肤光彩。 2. 它们的面膜材质都不一样,c9采用的是气孔膜布,触感舒适;P9采用的是长炭黑色膜布,吸附性强;v9采用的是铜氨天丝膜布,非常轻薄。 这三款面膜敷完感觉都还不错,都可以放心的入,个人最喜欢的v9,敷完后不但水润还富有光泽,第二天起来还是水嫩嫩!