Active lactobacillus marshmallows worth repurchasing! Baibai is soft and soft. The point is that the soft sweetness of marshmallows and the deliciousness of Wahaha's lactic acid bacteria drinks are simply amazing! 👍Writing and writing, I want to eat another one...I have already placed an order to repurchase. I feel that this is very suitable as an office snack or an artifact for chasing dramas. There are dozens of them in a pack, which is still good. Highly recommended for those who like lactic acid bacteria and marshmallows (*^o^*)
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超值得回购的活性乳酸菌棉花糖! 白白软软就不在话下了,重点是棉花糖的软香甜加上如娃哈哈乳酸菌饮料的美味,简直赞爆了!👍写着写着我又想再吃一颗了……已经下单回购了。感觉这个非常适合作为办公室零食或者追剧神器。 一包有十几颗,还是不错的。强烈推荐给喜欢乳酸菌和棉花糖的盆友(*^o^*)