# 万物皆可Sanzo #This is the first time I bought Sanzo sparkling water, I didn’t expect it to be so delicious😋. In addition, I also bought lychee and mango flavors, and I will try them tomorrow~ This green kumquat flavored sparkling water has 0 calories, which is very suitable for drinking during weight loss, and it is completely unburdened after drinking. The taste is sour, sweet and slightly bitter. I paired it with my favorite Portuguese tarts and meat floss buns. This afternoon tea is great ☕️😄 It's great to drink in summer. It is estimated that it will taste better next time with some ice cubes. I recommend it!
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yami_featured_image # 万物皆可Sanzo #第一次买Sanzo气泡水,意想不到这么好喝😋。另外还买了荔枝味和芒果味的,明天再试试~这款青金桔味的气泡水0卡路里,非常适合减肥期间喝,喝完完全没负担。味道酸酸甜甜又带点苦涩的味道好特别。我搭配了我最爱的葡挞和肉松包,这样的下午茶☕️真棒😄夏天喝超级棒,估计下次再加点冰块冰镇一下口感更好,推荐推荐!