In the summer, the demand for beverages has begun to increase. In order to be a little more environmentally friendly, I have recently tried some beverages in cans, glass bottles and cartons. The advantage of this sparkling water is that the ingredients are relatively natural and do not contain additives. Grapefruit juice and lime are added to the sparkling water, and then seasoned with sugar. The taste is sour, the lime flavor is stronger than the grapefruit flavor. Friends who like new products with slightly sour micro-bubble can try it. # 夏日清凉 #
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进入夏天对饮料的需求量开始变大了,为了稍微环保一些最近更多的尝试了一些易拉罐,玻璃瓶和纸盒装的饮料。 这款气泡水的优点在于成分比较纯天然,不含添加剂,在气泡水中添加了柚子汁和青柠,再以糖调味。味道偏酸,青柠味重过柚子香。喜欢偏酸微气泡新品的小伙伴们可以尝试一下。 # 夏日清凉 #