# 夏日清凉 # The preserved egg salad is so delicious‼ ️ Summer is here, and it's a good time to eat cold dishes! Most of the preserved eggs are cold salads, and there are also many sauces. Next, I will share my two super delicious ways to make preserved eggs‼ ️‼ ️ 🥙Food four preserved eggs 2 small cucumbers 🌟All-purpose sauce ingredients: 1 spoon of chopped green onion (about two), 1 spoon of minced garlic (about half a head of garlic), 1 spoon of chili noodles, 1 spoon of cooked white sesame, 3 spoons of soy sauce, 2 spoons of vinegar (balsamic vinegar), 1 tsp oyster sauce, 1 tsp sugar, 1/2 tsp salt, appropriate amount of vegetable oil. 🌟 Chopped Chili Garlic Sauce: Mince half a head of garlic, 1 tablespoon of chopped chili peppers, 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce to taste. ✅How to make preserved egg with cucumber in all-purpose sauce: 👉Smash the cucumber, cut each preserved egg into 8 pieces, and set it up; 👉Prepare the all-purpose sauce: first put chopped green onion, minced garlic, chili noodles, and cooked white sesame in a bowl, drizzle with smoking hot oil, mix well, and then add light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, oyster sauce, sugar, salt in proportion , stir well and eat! It is also very suitable to match it with all-purpose sauce. It tastes refreshing and smooth, and it is rare and delicious! ✅ How to chop chili and garlic preserved eggs: 1. Cut the preserved egg into pieces and place it on a plate, cut half of the garlic into minced garlic 2. Pour a little more oil into the pot than usual for cooking, add minced garlic, a teaspoon of chopped peppers, fry on low heat until fragrant, add two tablespoons of soy sauce, turn to high heat, and turn off the heat when the soy sauce is bubbling. 3. Pour the sauce on the preserved eggs, mix well and enjoy! The preserved eggs made by both methods are super delicious, you might as well try it‼ ️🥰🥰 # 亚米商场6周年 #
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# 夏日清凉 # 凉拌皮蛋这么做超好吃‼️ 夏天到了,又是吃凉拌菜的好时节!皮蛋大部分做法都是凉拌,酱汁的做法也很多,接下来就分享我的两种做皮蛋的超美味做法吧‼️‼️ 🥙食材 皮蛋四个 小黄瓜2条 🌟万能酱汁配料:葱花1勺(约两根)、蒜末1勺(约半头蒜)、辣椒面1勺、熟白芝麻1勺、生抽3勺、陈醋(香醋)2勺、蚝油1勺、白糖1茶匙、盐1/2茶匙,菜油适量. 🌟剁辣椒蒜蓉酱:半头蒜切碎,一勺剁辣椒,2勺生抽油适量. ✅万能酱汁黄瓜皮蛋做法: 👉黄瓜拍碎,每个皮蛋切成8瓣,摆好造型; 👉准备万能酱汁:先将葱花、蒜末、辣椒面、熟白芝麻放入碗中,淋上冒烟的热油,混合均匀后再按比例加入生抽、香醋、蚝油、糖、盐,搅拌均匀即可开吃! 一道用万能酱汁搭配它也非常合适,吃起来爽口又滑嫩,不可多得的美味! ✅剁辣椒蒜蓉皮蛋做法: 1. 皮蛋切块摆好盘,半颗蒜切成蒜末 2. 锅里倒入比平时炒菜略多一点的油,放入蒜末,一小勺剁辣椒,小火煎香,再加入两勺生抽,转大火,生抽冒泡即可关火。 3. 将酱汁浇在皮蛋上拌匀即可开吃! 两种做法做出来的皮蛋都超级好吃,不妨试试喔‼️🥰🥰 # 亚米商场6周年 #