"Fudge" is what I love in any season~ This yogurt-flavored soft candy is paired with my favorite peach🍑 flavor, I love it ❤️ A small bag, but small and delicate. The shape of each gummy is very similar to the shape of the bottle of yogurt you drink on weekdays. Then the orange soft candy reveals the pink tenderness of peach, which makes people mouth watering😋 It really tasted so addicting, adults and children immediately grabbed it all ~ it was neither sour nor sweet, and it wouldn't stick to the teeth at all. The taste is very moderate~ # 夏日清凉 #
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什么季节都爱的非“软糖”莫属~这款优酸乳口味的软糖配上最爱的蜜桃🍑口味,爱了爱了❤️ 小小一袋,但小而精致。一颗颗软糖的形状很像平日喝的优酸乳的瓶子形状。然后橙色的软糖内隐现出蜜桃的粉嫩,让人垂涎三尺😋 吃起来果然爱不释手,大人孩子立马抢光光~不酸不甜,完全不会粘牙。口感很适中~ # 夏日清凉 #