# 夏日清凉 # Summer meal god dish| Lei pepper preserved egg The preserved egg with chili peppers may seem unremarkable, but it is a veritable rice killer. The first time I eat it, I am amazed! It's so easy to make, and it's ready to go in three minutes. The main ingredients are Chuanwazi roasted pepper sauce and Yuantong's preserved egg, which can be bought by Yami. practice: Make the sauce: Press 3-4 cloves of garlic into garlic paste, add 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, a tablespoon of mature vinegar, half a tablespoon of oyster sauce, a little sugar, salt and sesame oil and mix well. Put 3 preserved pine eggs in a bowl, 2-3 spoons of hot pepper sauce, and pour in the sauce. Then mash the mixture with a rolling pin. The appearance may not look good, but it is really special. The preserved egg is very delicious after being crushed, the chili sauce is spicy and fresh, and the garlic fragrance is a perfect match. # 亚米厨房 #
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# 夏日清凉 #夏日下饭神菜| 擂辣椒皮蛋 擂辣椒皮蛋这个菜看样子平平无奇,但却是名副其实的米饭杀手,第一次吃就被惊艳到! 做法特别简单,三分钟就能上桌。主要食材是下饭神器川娃子烧椒酱和元童的松花皮蛋,亚米都能买到。 做法: 调酱汁:3-4瓣蒜压成蒜泥,加入2勺生抽,一勺陈醋,半勺蚝油,一点糖、盐和麻油搅拌均匀。 碗里放入3颗松花皮蛋,2-3勺烧椒酱,倒入酱汁。然后用擀面杖把混合物捣碎。 卖相可能不太好看,但是真的特别下饭。皮蛋压碎以后很入味,烧椒酱又辣又鲜,加上蒜香,简直就是绝配。 # 亚米厨房 #