# 夏日清凉 #cold eggplant🍆This is super delicious‼ ️🥰 Eggplant salad is a very popular cold dish in summer. Everyone knows that eggplant is very oil-absorbing. If you fry eggplant, you need to add a lot of oil, but eggplant salad does not need to add a lot of oil. It is still super delicious. Let me share with you my method. ! 🥗The specific method is as follows: 1. Wash and cut 2 long eggplants (preferably Chinese eggplants) into two or three sections, and prepare a bowl of all-purpose sauce; 2. Add an appropriate amount of cold water to the steamer, put the eggplants into the steamer, and cook on high heat for 10-12 minutes, then turn off the heat. 3. After the eggplant cools down a little, cut the eggplant into strips or break them into long strips and put them on the plate; 4. Pour the all-purpose sauce over the eggplant and mix well. 👉Universal sauce recipe: 1. Put 1 tablespoon of chopped green onion, 1 tablespoon of minced garlic, 1 tablespoon of chili noodles, and 1 tablespoon of cooked white sesame seeds into a bowl, pour in the smoking hot oil and mix well; 2. Add 3 tablespoons of raw soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of aged vinegar (balsamic vinegar), 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 1 teaspoon of sugar, and a little salt to the bowl in turn, stir well, and the soul sauce is ready! ! ! The eggplants made in this way are particularly fresh and soft, and with the sauce, it is really invincible and delicious‼ ️🥰 # 亚米商场6周年 #
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# 夏日清凉 #凉拌茄子🍆这么做超好吃‼️🥰 凉拌茄子是一道夏日超受欢迎的凉菜,大家都知道茄子很吸油,如果炒茄子的话,需要放入大量的油,而凉拌茄子就不用放很多油,照样超级美味,给大家分享下我的方法吧! 🥗具体做法如下: 1. 将2个长茄子(最好是中国茄子)洗净切成两三段,准备好一碗万能调味汁; 2. 蒸锅里加入适量的冷水,将茄子放入蒸屉,大火煮10-12分钟关火。 3. 等茄子稍微放凉后,将茄子切成条或者掰成长条放入盘中; 4. 将万能调味汁浇在茄子上方,拌匀即可。 👉万能酱汁调法: 1. 葱花1勺、蒜末1勺、辣椒面1勺、熟白芝麻1勺放入碗中,淋入冒烟的热油拌匀; 2. 依次往碗中再加入生抽3勺、陈醋(香醋)2勺、蚝油1勺、白糖1茶匙、盐少许,搅拌均匀,灵魂酱汁就做好啦!!! 这样做出来的茄子特别鲜嫩软滑,配上酱汁,真的无敌美味哦‼️🥰 # 亚米商场6周年 #