Dedicated to a single drop of deodorant for the debut show (applause here 👏) I don’t know if everyone is like me. I heard this stuff for the first time and felt a little tasteless. After all, a carefree woman like us, who doesn’t think it stinks? It’s not good to have air fresheners for a little smell, right? Why do this. However, I have a picky husband at home, and it doesn't make people feel safe, so I bought it and gave it a try🤣 After all, there is a gold brand of Kobayashi Pharmaceutical, and I am afraid that money will not be wasted~ Open the bottle cap, it is the shape of a dropper, and it is easy to drip an accurate drop with a slight pinch. Why should I care about packaging design? Because the bottle mouth design of some things I don't like the most is not good, it is crowded and muddy, making the bottle mouth dirty. Therefore, the packaging design is praised! 👏 In addition, it is necessary to drip an accurate drop to just test whether it is really a drop to deodorize, keke~ um, sure enough, after a drop of the toilet is flushed, the fragrant smell spreads out immediately, and it is immediately praised! 👏 Let's talk about the fragrance, the natural floral fragrance is not pungent or chemical, and the amount of one drop is just right. 👏 With it, there is no need to worry about embarrassment anymore, especially when there are guests at home, and my husband has also consciously developed the habit of dripping after the toilet. A small one, it does not take up space in the bathroom, and there is another must-have holy product in the bathroom.
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晒单处女秀奉献给了一滴消臭元(此处的掌声呢👏) 不知道大家是不是跟我一样,初次听说这东东感觉有点鸡肋,毕竟像我们这种大大咧咧的女汉子,觉得谁💩不臭呢,一点点小臭有空气清新剂不就好了么,干嘛多此一举。然而,家有挑剔老公,拉臭也不让人安生,于是就买来试一试🤣毕竟有小林制药这一金字招牌,还怕浪费money不成~ 打开瓶盖,就是一个滴管的造型,轻轻一捏,很容易滴出准确的一滴。为啥我在意包装设计呢?因为最不喜欢有些东西的瓶口设计不好,挤起来拖泥带水,把瓶口搞得脏脏的。所以,包装设计好评!👏 另外,滴出准确的一滴才能刚好测试一下是不是真的一滴消臭哇,keke~嗯,果然,马桶冲水后滴入一滴,香香的味道立刻弥漫开,立竿见影好评!👏 再说说香味吧,自然的花香,不刺鼻不化工,一滴的量刚刚好。👏 有了它,再也不用担心尴尬啦,尤其是家里还有客人的时候,老公也已经很自觉地养成便后滴一滴的习惯。小小一只,放在洗手间也不占地方,又多了一样洗手间必备圣品。