# 夏日清凉 # Recently, two seasoning powders have been added, one is the thirteen-spice barbecue seasoning, and the other is the spicy five-spice chili noodles. Both are very classic, delicious, and have a large operating space. It is very suitable for some barbecue in the summer~ First of all, I would like to commend the packaging of this spicy five-spice chili noodles. There is an opening with a lid in the upper left corner, which is convenient to pour as you use it. The chili noodles need to be cooked at high temperature to stimulate the attractive aroma, but this barbecue seasoning does not need it, it is very fragrant when sprinkled directly on the ingredients. Due to the hot weather recently, I don't want to go out to barbecue, so I use the oven at home. The recipe is as follows👇 1⃣️ Spread the boneless chicken thigh meat and cut it with a large flower knife to facilitate the taste. Use salt, black pepper, cooking wine, and a small amount of soy sauce to massage and marinate. 2⃣️Preheat the oven to 405 F and place a baking sheet with foil. 3⃣️ Wash the mini potatoes and cut them in half on a baking sheet, sprinkle with chili flakes. You can add a little salt and black pepper to taste. The marinated chicken thighs are placed on the baking sheet, and a little chili powder can also be sprinkled. Spray a layer of olive oil on all the ingredients and put them in the oven to bake for 10 minutes. 4⃣️Cut the broccoli into small pieces, wait for the potatoes and chicken to bake for 10 minutes, put them into the baking pan, sprinkle a little salt and black pepper on the surface, and then spray a little olive oil. Continue to bake the entire plate for 20 minutes. 5⃣️ After baking for a total of 30 minutes, take it out, sprinkle with barbecue seasoning while it is still hot, and you are ready to eat. To sum up, the chicken and baby potatoes are baked at 405 degrees for 30 minutes, and the broccoli is baked at the same temperature for 20 minutes. Sprinkle the chili powder before going into the oven, and sprinkle the BBQ powder after coming out of the oven.
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# 夏日清凉 # 最近入了两款调料粉,一款是十三香的烧烤调味料,另一款是麻辣五香辣椒面,两者都是非常经典、好吃、操作空间大。非常适合大夏天的搞点烧烤恰恰~ 首先要表扬这款麻辣五香辣椒面的包装,左上角有一个带盖子的开口,随用随倒,很方便,不用另外找夹子夹起来,也不会意外撒出来。 辣椒面要经历高温烹调之后,才能激发出诱人的香味,但是这款烧烤调味料就不需要了,直接撒在食材上就很香。 由于最近天气热, 不想出去烧烤,就在家里用烤箱啦,食谱如下👇 1⃣️去骨鸡腿肉展开,切大花刀方便入味。用盐、黑胡椒、料酒、少量生抽按摩腌制一下。 2⃣️烤箱预热到405 F,烤盘里放上锡纸。 3⃣️迷你土豆洗净对半切开放在烤盘上,撒上辣椒面。可以再撒少量盐和黑胡椒提提味。腌制好的鸡腿肉放在烤盘上,也可以撒一点辣椒面。所有食材表面喷一层橄榄油,放进烤箱先烤10min。 4⃣️西兰花掰小块,等土豆和鸡肉烤了10分钟后,也放进烤盘,表面撒少许盐和黑胡椒,然后喷一点橄榄油。整个一盘继续烤20min。 5⃣️一共烤制30min后,取出,趁热撒上烧烤调味料,就可以开吃啦。 总结一下就是鸡肉和小土豆405度烤30分钟,西兰花同样温度烤20分钟。辣椒面在进烤箱之前撒,烧烤粉在出烤箱后撒。