# 亚米商城6周年 # The snacks on Yami are all repurchased infinitely, they are all super delicious 😋 Zhen Hao Cookies: The buttery taste is very rich, the crispy is super delicious, it is perfect to accompany tea or coffee, and there is a lot in a box (about 35) Hokkaido Shredded Coconut Roll: The taste of coconut is not particularly obvious, but it does not prevent it from being delicious. The whole roll is super crispy in one bite. Mango Snowflakes: The taste of mango is not like fruit, more like artificial mango, but the snowflakes are very soft and delicious, but a little sticky Want Want Thick Burnt Seaweed Cake: It's like the Want Want Cake in my memory with the taste of seaweed, and it's really delicious when you take a bite!
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# 亚米商城6周年 # Yami上的零食都在无限回购,都超级好吃😋 甄好曲奇:黄油味很足,酥酥的超好吃,陪茶或咖啡绝了,一盒里边量也很多(差不多35个左右) 北海道椰丝卷:椰子的味道不是特别明显但是不妨碍它好吃,一口咬下去整个卷超级酥 芒果雪花酥:芒果的味道不像水果一样,更有点像artificial芒果味,但是雪花酥很软很好吃,就是有点粘牙 旺旺厚烧海苔饼:就像是记忆里的旺旺饼加上了海苔的味道,每一口下去嘎嘣脆真的好好吃!