# 夏日清凉 # How can there be less of Master Kong's rock candy Sydney in the refreshing summer ice drink series! The rock sugar is sweet and sweet, and Sydney moisturises the lungs. Taking a bite in the hot summer will not be too stimulating and beneficial to health. If you think it is too sweet, you can add ice, pudding, and ice powder. It is a good choice! It's summer with a variety of flavors of iced drinks!
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# 夏日清凉 # 夏日清爽冰饮料系列之康师傅冰糖雪梨怎么能少!冰糖清甜雪梨润肺,炎炎夏日来一口既不会太刺激又益于养生,如果觉得太甜可以加冰加布丁加冰粉粉都是不错的选择!各种口味的冰饮料换着花样才是夏天呀!