# 夏日清凉 # Yami's newly launched this golden soup pepper and hemp rice noodles from the kitchen. Before placing the order, I heard that the ingredients are super high, and I was still shocked when I opened it! There are quite a lot of things in a pack, including dried rice noodles, vegetable packs, sauce packs and sesame packs. Put the rice noodles in a pot with cold water and cook for five or six minutes. The taste is still very good. There are fungus, kelp, bamboo shoots, potatoes, lotus root slices in the vegetable bag, there is no strange smell, they are all delicious~ 🌶️Suitable for people who eat spicy food! ! Neither I nor the male votes are particularly fond of spicy food, this time we were about to cry because of the spicy food😭 The golden soup pepper and sesame sauce itself is spicy, and it still smells quite fragrant when opened. We cooked two packets of noodles together, and only added one packet of sauce, and it was still too spicy, but because only half of the sauce was added, the taste of the soup was too bland. Therefore, people who don't eat spicy food will cry when they add more ingredients, and if they add less ingredients, they will not taste good. When eating, it is recommended to re-season it... So, if you like spicy food, this instant rice noodles is still very good. But if you are not particularly fond of spicy food, be careful.
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yami_featured_image # 夏日清凉 # 亚米新上了这款下厨房出品的金汤椒麻米线,下单之前就听说料超级多,打开还是有被震惊到一下! 一包里面东西还是蛮多的,有干米线、蔬菜包、酱包和芝麻包。 米线冷水下锅,煮五六分钟就好了,口感还是非常不错的。蔬菜包里有木耳、海带、笋片、土豆、藕片,没有怪味,都很好吃~ 🌶️适合吃辣星人!!我和男票都不是特别能吃辣,这次都快被辣哭了😭 金汤椒麻酱料本身是辣的,打开时闻起来还是挺香的。 我们两包粉一起煮,只加了一包酱料,依然被辣得够呛,但因为只加了一半的酱料,汤的味道就太淡了。所以不吃辣的人多加料被辣哭,少加料没味道,吃的时候建议自己重新调味…… 所以,如果你爱吃辣,这款速食米粉还是非常不错的。但如果不是特别能吃辣,就慎入😂