# 夏日清凉 # It is the best match with sour plum soup in summer! This sour plum soup from Master Kong is also one that I often buy. The sour plum soup is really delicious. I used sour plum powder at home to drink it when I was a child. Now this bottled drink is convenient to drink. The sour plum taste is very authentic and appetizing. , It doesn't hurt to drink a knife and a bottle, and it is always available in all seasons!
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# 夏日清凉 # 夏天和酸梅汤最搭配!这个康师傅酸梅汤也是经常买的一种,酸梅汤真的好喝,小时候家里用酸梅粉冲了喝,现在这个瓶装饮料喝起来方便,酸梅味很地道开胃,放冰箱里冰过喝起来更过瘾,一刀一瓶喝起来也不心疼,四季常备!