Simple and Quick Dishes | Tofu with Bonito and Okra Finally got √ to how to make okra, happy! I really like the sticky okra, hahaha, and the bonito is also very fragrant~ practice: ❥Rinse and cut okra with salt ❥Boil the tofu and okra for one minute and remove ❥ Put a layer of tofu, a layer of okra, a spoon of ginger juice, a layer of dried bonito, a spoon of soy sauce, and a little chopped green onion on the plate, and you're done! A simple and delicious dish is ready~😊
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简单快手菜 | 柴鱼秋葵拌豆腐 终于get√到怎么做秋葵了敲开心! 秋葵黏糊糊的我好喜欢啊哈哈哈,柴鱼也好香~ 做法: ❥秋葵撒盐洗净切圈 ❥豆腐和秋葵灼水一分钟捞出 ❥盘子放一层豆腐,一层秋葵,一勺姜汁,一层柴鱼干,一勺酱油,最后放上一点点葱花,就大功告成了! 一道简单美味的菜就做好啦~😊