# 日本逛吃图鉴 # I fell in love with the Japanese-style bibimbap from the AJISHIMA series of Japanese AJISHIMA, and bought another seaweed and sesame flavor. I felt like a new world had opened up. Sprinkle a little when making sushi, making rice balls, making octopus balls, and making sauerkraut fish. It's super fragrant and delicious, and these meals have instantly improved their appearance and made them more appetizing. They are really delicious and good-looking!
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# 日本逛吃图鉴 # 迷上了日本AJISHIMA味岛香松系列的日式拌饭料,又买了另一种海苔芝麻味,感觉开启了一个新世界,无论啥都可以撒上一把,比如正常的米饭啊撒一把,做寿司做饭团撒一点,做章鱼小丸子撒一点,做酸菜鱼都可以一点,超级香超级好吃,而且这些饭菜都顿时提升了颜值更有食欲了,实在又好吃又好看!