# 日本逛吃图鉴 # 🌸This peppermint throat lozenge, which is limited to the cherry blossom season and looks good! There is a lot of candy in the small box of the pink powder. After eating, one can remove the breath. The throat lozenge has a light cherry blossom flavor. It would be nice if the mint flavor could be heavier~ A small box It's very convenient to carry around, and it doesn't take up any space in your bag! 👜
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# 日本逛吃图鉴 # 🌸冲着樱花季限定和颜值入手的这个薄荷润喉糖!粉粉的小盒子里装了不少的糖,吃完东西来一颗可以去除口气🍬润喉糖吃起来有淡淡的樱花味,薄荷味如果可以更重一点就好了~小小的一盒非常方便随身携带,放在包里一点都不占地方!👜