# 日本逛吃图鉴 # Some people love perilla water, some people dislike it, but the oily Miaomiao loves it Officially, it has three functions: Soothing and calming, anti-inflammatory and acne-removing It contains mint, basil and other plant ingredients, but it also contains alcohol, so be careful with sensitive skin! I love to use it to soothe and calm down in summer The face is very cold and very refreshing The oil control effect is also a lever, the oily skin is worth having If you go to shut your mouth, you must insist on wet compresses. Personally, I feel that patting is useless. Accidentally found out that Yamibuy also sells perilla water. It's so powerful. Summer is coming, girls who want oil control toner, hurry up!
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# 日本逛吃图鉴 # 紫苏水有人爱有人嫌 褒贬不一 但是油皮的喵喵很爱 官方宣称它有三大功效: 舒缓镇定 消炎祛痘 消灭闭口 它含有薄荷 紫苏等植物成分 不过也是含有酒精的哦 敏感皮慎入! 夏天很爱用它舒缓镇定 上脸冰冰凉凉的非常很清爽 控油效果也是杠杠的 油皮值得拥有 去闭口的话一定要坚持湿敷 个人感觉光拍拍没啥用 偶然间发现亚米网也有卖紫苏水哦 太强大了 夏天快到了 想要控油爽肤水的妹子赶紧备起来吧!