# 亚米返校季 # Back-to-school season must be stocking up on fast food! ! I have never eaten mixed noodles before, and I happened to come across this half-price Yami noodles in the previous stage, so I bought a box and tried it. After one bite, I was amazed, two mouthfuls were so delicious that I cried, and three mouthfuls left me speechless! A small box is full of ingredients, including dried rice noodles, pickled radishes, pickles, peanuts, soy sauce, sesame oil, chili oil, and dried onion buns. Put the rice noodles into the pot with cold water, boil the water for 10-15 minutes, you can use hot water again and then fish out (but I am too lazy to fish it out directly, it is not a big problem). If you have green onions on hand, use fresh chopped green onions, add seasonings and mix with various side dishes and you're done. I was afraid that Spicy Stars did not add chili oil packets, but the pickled radish is slightly spicy, and it tastes very good when mixed into the noodles. Very tasty. The soy sauce is very thick, and it's okay to have a little water when the rice noodles are taken out. Peanut rice is the peanut rice of this kind of appetizer, and the red skin is the soul. I haven't eaten this kind of peanut rice for a long time, happiness! The overall taste is seasoned and fried, and the rice noodles taste more chewy than they look. The portion is very large, and I was not particularly hungry at noon. I shared a portion with my teammates, and both of them were even full. Temporarily out of stock, the arrival reminder has been opened, and I will stock up on this when it is replenished! ! Recommended index: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
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# 亚米返校季 # 返校季必囤速食来啦!! 我以前没吃过拌粉,前阶段正好碰上亚米这款粉半价,买了一盒尝尝看。一口就感叹绝了,两口好吃到哭,三口不说话了闷头嗦粉! 小小一盒里料很足,有干米粉、腌萝卜、咸菜、花生米、酱油、香油、辣油、干葱包。 米粉冷水下锅,水开后再煮10-15分钟即可,可以用热水过一遍再捞出(但我太懒了就直接捞出,问题不大)。手边有葱就用了新鲜的葱花,加入调料以及各种小菜拌一拌就搞定啦。 本怕辣星人没加辣油包,不过腌萝卜是微微辣的,拌到面里很提味。非常好吃。 酱油很浓稠,米粉捞出来的时候稍微有点水也没事,拌一拌就没了。 花生米是这种下酒菜的花生米,红红的皮是灵魂啊,好久没吃到这种花生米了,幸福! 整体吃起来调味炒棒,米粉吃起来比看起来还要Q弹有嚼劲。分量很大,中午不是特别饿,和队友分着吃了一份,两个人竟然都吃到七分饱。 暂时断货,已经开好了到货提醒,等补货了我要囤这个!! 推荐指数:🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟