# 亚米返校季 # Of course, the pot is indispensable during the school season. I usually eat noodles and cook wonton dumplings frequently, so a high-quality pot is still very important to me. I saw this stainless steel cooking pot from Pearl Life in Japan on Yamibuy. My teammates said that they have used this one at home and have used it for many years without any problems. Then I will definitely place an order! I was pleasantly surprised to get it, the body of the pot is super beautiful, the diameter of 22cm is enough for small families, the depth is deeper than the stainless steel pots in the supermarket/Amazon, and the stew is also very good. The handle is beautiful, the double handles of the pot and the handle of the lid are insulated, but the handles on both sides of the pot are still slightly hot due to the hot steam when cooking noodles. The pan is not thick and heats up very quickly. Both induction cooktops and open flames are suitable.
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yami_featured_image # 亚米返校季 # 开学季锅当然少不了,平时吃面煮馄饨饺子都很频繁,所以一个高质量的煮锅于我而言还是非常重要的。 在亚米上看到了日本Pearl Life的这款不锈钢煮锅,队友表示他们家就用的这款,用了好多年了一点毛病都没有。那我就果断下单啦! 拿到手非常惊喜,锅身超级漂亮,22cm的直径足够小家庭使用,深度比一般在超市/Amazon上的不锈钢锅要深,炖炖肉也是很不错的。 手柄很好看,锅的双手柄以及盖子的手柄都是隔热的,但煮面的时候可能因为有热蒸汽,锅两侧的手柄还是略微有点烫。 锅不厚,加热非常快。电磁炉和明火都适用。