# 亚米返校季 # When I first bought Baijia convenience fans at Yamibuy, I didn't buy this package of fat sausage flavors, but the package of comprehensive flavors marked with ⭕️ in Figure 8. 5 packages. There are 5 flavors in it: Hot and Sour Noodles, Mala Tang, Pickled Fish, Hot Pot Noodles, Fat Intestine Noodles (I should remember correctly 😄) After eating all these 5 flavors, I only repurchased fatty rice noodles, haha, for two reasons: 1. Feichangfen is the least spicy among the 5 flavors 2. The price of the 5-pack of fat intestine powder is the cheapest among the 5-packs of various flavors. I bought it for $4.99. For me, these 5 flavors are quite delicious. I can clearly distinguish the different flavors of each flavor. The difference is still obvious. They are all tastes of convenience vermicelli. In this bowl of vermicelli, I added luncheon meat, cabbage, and Panpan high-quality bean curd from Yamibuy.com. It is quite fragrant for fans to eat occasionally! I have repurchased a few packs.
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# 亚米返校季 # 最初在亚米买白家方便粉丝,并不是买的这包肥肠味,而是买的图8里小圈⭕️标注的那包综合口味5包装。里面有5种味道:酸辣粉,麻辣烫,酸菜鱼,火锅粉,肥肠粉(我应该没记错吧😄) 这5种味道全部吃过以后,我回购的就只有肥肠粉,哈哈,原因有两点: 1,肥肠粉是5种口味里最不辣的 2,肥肠粉5连包的价格是各种口味5连包里最便宜的,我买成4.99美元。 对我来说,这5种口味都还蛮好吃,能清楚的分辨出来每种口味不一样的味道,区别还比较明显,但由于我煮粉都还要另外加大量菜,所以口味来说都是方便粉丝的味道,这碗粉丝里,我另外加了午餐肉,包菜,还有亚米网买的盼盼优质豆皮。 方便粉丝偶尔吃一吃还是蛮香的!已经回购过几包了。