# 2021赏月计划 # It took years to buy Yami in the US! Post a topic! That was the first time! As the saying goes, being alone in a foreign land is a stranger, and thinking of relatives every festive season! Whoa, whoa, whoa! run away, This time, I mainly introduce two kinds of Japanese fruit honey, the out-of-stock King Duck Blood Powder that has been out of stock, and I wanted to buy it last time, as well as our treasured 0-calorie 0-sugar drink, Vitality Forest! Honey is common, but fruit-flavored honey is rare, right? ! The taste of these two honeys is indeed quite unique. Personally, I recommend lemon honey. In addition to the sourness, there is also a touch of sweetness. All in all, it is still worth a try. What should I say about cherry honey? Hmm...that's not bad either. Duck blood vermicelli soup is absolutely amazing, unique taste, fragrant, the first time, it is worth trying. Finally, let’s talk about the domestic treasure soda! The vitality forest white peach flavor has been heard quite a lot before, but unfortunately I have never tried it, 0 calories and 0 sugar will not have any psychological burden, and the taste is also very full, recommended! In fact, I bought a lot of things in Yami, some of which are not satisfactory, and I have eaten a lot of treasured delicacies that I hadn’t noticed before. Overall, I am very satisfied! This time, I bought Maxim's Milky Cream Mooncake, which will be shipped on 8/24, I hope it won't overturn! I also hope that all Chinese Chinese who spend the Mid-Autumn Festival in the United States can eat their favorite moon cakes, accompany the people they want to accompany the most, and spend the Mid-Autumn Festival Moon Festival happily! # 亚米返校季 #
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yami_featured_image # 2021赏月计划 # 在美国买亚米怎么着也得好几年了吧! 发话题!那可是头一次! 正所谓独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲! 咳咳咳! 跑远了, 这次呢主要是介绍两款日本的水果蜂蜜,一直买不到货的断货王鸭血粉,话说上次我就很想买了,以及咱们的宝藏0卡0糖饮料,元气森林! 蜂蜜常见,水果味的蜂蜜可就不多见了吧?! 这两款蜂蜜呢味道确实蛮独特的,个人更推荐柠檬蜂蜜,酸爽之外,还有一股淡淡的清甜,总得来说还是很值得一try的,樱桃蜂蜜该怎么说呢?嗯..也还不错吧. 鸭血粉丝汤是绝对的爆赞啊,味道独特,香气扑鼻,第一次,很值得尝试. 最后再说一下,国内的宝藏苏打水!元气森林白桃味,之前一直颇有耳闻,只可惜一直没有尝试过,0卡0糖也不会有什么心理负担,味道也是很足的,推荐! 我其实在亚米买了很多东西,有差强人意的,也吃到过很多以前没注意过的宝藏美食,总体来说还是很满意的!这次又买了美心的流心奶黄月饼,要到8/24发货,希望不要翻车!也希望所有在美国过中秋的中国华人,能吃着自己喜欢的月饼,身边陪伴着自己最想陪伴的人,开开心心度过中秋赏月节!# 亚米返校季 #