The 3️⃣ Sanwei Crisp House I tried: Mochi Custard Crisp. The name sounds delicious 😋. The three layers of stuffing from outside to inside are custard stuffing → Japanese mochi → egg yolk sand stuffing. The custard filling is mainly wax gourd puree, salted egg yolk, milk, etc. Sasha's dipping sauce is wrapped in glutinous mochi, which is unique among all kinds of crisps on the market in terms of texture and taste, which is very pleasing 👍🏻. It is as delicious as freshly baked in the microwave for more than ten seconds 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. What is even more commendable is that this kind of pastry should be very sweet, but its sweetness is controlled just right, and it will not feel any sweetness when eaten alone without tea💯. # 2021赏月计划 #
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我尝试的第3️⃣款三味酥屋: 麻薯奶黄酥。这名字听着就好吃😋。 三层内馅由外到内分别是奶黄馅→日式麻薯→蛋黄沙馅。奶黄馅主要是冬瓜蓉,咸蛋黄,牛奶等。沙沙的蘸料包裹着糯糯的麻薯,不管口感还是味道在市面上各种酥类中都独树一帜,非常讨喜👍🏻。微波炉里转十几秒就像新鲜出炉的一样美味👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻。 更难能可贵的是按理说这类酥应该很甜,但是它的甜度却控制得恰到好处,不配茶单独吃也完全不会感到一丝甜腻💯。 # 2021赏月计划 #