I highly recommend this Taiwanese Braised Pork Claypot Rice. Even my picky daughter likes it. Contains a rice pack, braised pork pack, water pack and heat pack. How to eat: Put the rice bag into the white box and add the water bag, Then pour in the braised pork buns, Put the heating pack in the bottom box and add cold water to cover the heating pack. Put the white box on top and close the lid, Wait 15 minutes to eat. The soup is very rich, Mix up the rice, One bite after another can't stop. Its self-heating function can also be taken away, Hot rice can be eaten anytime, anywhere. # 2021赏月计划 #
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超级推荐这款台式卤肉煲仔饭, 连我家嘴挑的闺女都喜欢。 内含一个米饭包、卤肉包、水包和发热包。 食用方法: 将米饭包放入白盒里再加入水包, 再倒入卤肉包, 将发热包放到底盒加入冷水没过发热包就好, 将白盒放上去盖上盖子, 等个15分钟就可以开吃了。 汤汁非常浓郁, 把白饭都拌起来, 一口接一口停不下来。 它的自热功能还可以外带哦, 随时随地都可以吃上热米饭。# 2021赏月计划 #