When I saw this, matcha fans were attracted by the word "strong" Buy it now and try it There are 6 in a box When you open the package, you can clearly smell a strong matcha scent. And I don't think it's sweet at all Milk taste is also mild No sugar and no milk, it has a very obvious matcha flavor Hee hee, it's a bit bitter, it's the matcha flavor I like If you like sweet, you can add some sugar and milk and it is very delicious It is very good to use it with moon cakes and pastries during the Mid-Autumn Festival👍 Recommended for matcha lovers! # 2021赏月计划 # # 月是故乡明 # # 我是抹茶控 #
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看到这款时,抹茶控被浓厚两个字吸引 立马买回来试试 一盒里面有6条 打开包装的时候明显可以闻到很浓郁的抹茶味 而且这款我觉得一点都不甜 奶味也比较淡 不加糖不加奶就是很明显的抹茶味 嘻嘻,带点苦味,是我喜欢的那种抹茶味道 喜欢甜的可以自己加点糖和奶就非常好喝了 中秋佳节拿来搭配月饼酥类点心都非常不错👍 推荐给抹茶控们! # 2021赏月计划 # # 月是故乡明 # # 我是抹茶控 #