# 2021赏月计划 # HAITAI Honey Butter Potato Chips 60g I have bought a lot of Korean Haitai brand food, all of them from YAMI. Among them, this honey butter potato chip is a popular item in Haitai brand. I also bought it and tried it. What's the difference between Korean and American potato chips, haha. ➡Take this Haitai Honey Butter as an example for Korean potato chips. The shape and texture look similar to American Lay's potato chips, but the taste of honey butter is unique to Korean Haitai, and the texture is moderately crisp. crisp. ➡ American potato chips take Lay's potato chips as an example. There are many flavors and new flavors emerge one after another. The texture of potato chips is thin and crispy, similar to Korean Haitai, but Lay's is more crispy. (I bought a variety of Lay's potato chips novelty flavors at Yami's) ➡ Chinese potato chips take my favorite child potato chips as an example. The thickness is thicker than the previous two types of potato chips, the texture is wavy, the taste is crisper and the aroma is burnt, the difference is still obvious. (Children's potato chips are also bought at Yami) ➡ Japanese potato chips take Boru Dream potato chips as an example, which are quite satisfactory, similar to American Lays potato chips, with little difference. (also bought on Yamibuy.com) Come back and talk about this Korean honey butter flavored potato chips. Seasoning is a major feature. The taste of butter cheese is obvious, so it is very fragrant and loved by everyone. Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, eating big and round potato chips is also a good choice!
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# 2021赏月计划 # HAITAI海太 蜂蜜黄油薯片 60g 韩国Haitai牌的食品我买过不少,都是在YAMI 亚米 买的,其中这款蜂蜜黄油薯片,是海太牌里热卖的商品,我也跟着买来尝一尝,品尝一下中日韩美薯片有啥区别,哈哈。 ➡韩国薯片就用这款海太蜂蜜黄油为例,形状质地看着和美国乐事薯片很像,但是蜂蜜黄油的味道是韩国Haitai特有的,质地脆度适中,我感觉美国乐事的质地更脆。 ➡美国薯片以乐事薯片为例,口味众多,新口味层出不穷,薯片质地薄脆,和韩国Haitai类似,但乐事更脆。(我在亚米买了各种各样的乐事薯片新奇口味) ➡中国薯片以我喜欢的子弟薯片为例,厚度比前两种薯片厚,波浪纹理,口感更脆更有焦香味,区别还是比较明显。(子弟薯片也是在亚米买的) ➡日本薯片以波路梦薯片为例,中规中矩,和美国乐事薯片类似,区别不大。(也是在亚米网买的) 回过来再说一说这款韩国蜂蜜黄油味薯片,调味是一大特点,黄油芝士的味道很明显,所以很香,受大家喜爱。 中秋将至,吃又大又圆的薯片,也是不错的选择哦!