# 2021赏月计划 # SHIRAKIKU Sanukiya White Sesame Seeds 269g | Yami Before the Japanese Olympics, Yami had an event to buy Japanese food and enjoy an exclusive discount code. I followed others to buy this bottle of white sesame from Sanukiya, Japan. Sesame is a good thing. Nutrition. This bottle of white sesame, whether it is the sesame itself or the bottle design, is very satisfying. The bottle cap has two opening designs. The large opening is scooped with a spoon, and the small hole opening is directly sprinkled, which is very convenient. The only inconvenience is that the sealing design inside is too tight, too tight, and can't be torn at all. In the end, it can only be opened with scissors. This is also an advantage, indicating that the sealing is good. Let me tell you a little secret, although this is a Japanese brand of Sanukiya, it says made in China on the back of the bottle, haha, not bad! 📣 Now let's talk about my dark dishes: In a large frying pan, pour oil, lay onion, small tomato, 3 eggs (spread evenly in the pan), add ingredients (only the two ingredients shown in the picture, including white sesame seeds), fry until golden on both sides, Beautifully cooked, sour, sweet and salty, so delicious, eggs, vegetables and sesame are eaten together, which is convenient and quick, and I recommend it to everyone, hehe! It is also a good choice to fry such a beautiful round cake in a large round pan during the Mid-Autumn Festival!
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# 2021赏月计划 # 日本SHIRAKIKU 赞岐屋 白芝麻粒 269g | 亚米 之前日本奥运期间,亚米有活动买日本食品,享专属优惠折扣码,我跟着别人买了这瓶日本赞岐屋的白芝麻,芝麻可是好东西啊,做什么都可以加一点,而且特别有营养。 这瓶白芝麻,不论是芝麻本身,还是瓶装设计,都非常满意。瓶盖两种开口设计,大开口用勺子舀一勺取,小洞开口直接撒,非常方便。 唯一不方便的地方是里面的密封设计太严密了,太紧了,根本撕不开,最后只能用剪刀duo开,这样也是好处,说明密封性好。 告诉你们一个小秘密,这个虽然是日本赞岐屋牌子,但是瓶子后面写的made in China,哈哈,不错不错! 📣现在来说说我的黑暗料理: 大平底锅,倒油,铺洋葱,小番茄,3个鸡蛋(在锅中弄散均匀铺开),加料(就只有图中展示的那两种料,包括白芝麻),煎至两面金黄,漂亮出锅,又酸又甜又有咸味,太好吃了,鸡蛋蔬菜芝麻一起吃,方便快捷,自己胡乱发明的料理,推荐给大家,嘻嘻! 中秋节用大圆锅煎出这样一个漂亮大圆饼,也是不错的选择哦!