# 独家懒人快手菜谱 # Summer is here. It's a good season to catch crabs again. As a seafood lover, I really can't eat enough. Thinking of all kinds of delicious crab dishes. I saw Amy some time ago This [Wangjiadu] Spicy Fragrant Pot Base is highly praised. So I was greedy. Buy, buy, buy. Buy it! After making several delicious dishes with Wangjiadu. Found it to be really versatile. Hot pot. Cold salad. It is delicious when fried with various ingredients. The spicy taste of this one is somewhat different from that of my favorite [Liu Po]. Wangjiadu's will be more spicy. It's really delicious for frying. There are a lot of crabs caught these days. So the family used a Big Mac to fry it. It really makes the food bring out the maximum appetite. Main ingredient: crab Accessories: green peppers, shredded carrots, onions (optional) Seasoning: Wangjiadu Mala Fragrant Pot Base, Salt, Chicken Essence, White Sugar, Soy Sauce, Cooking Wine, Sesame Oil. Practice: Clean the crabs. Cut them into small pieces. Then add the five spices. Sprinkle with powder. Fry for a few minutes. Then pick up and drain the oil. When it is drained, you can start making the sauce. Fry the crab for a while and it's done.
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yami_featured_image # 独家懒人快手菜谱 # 夏天到了.又是抓螃蟹的好季节了. 身为海鲜爱好者的我真的吃不够. 想着各种做螃蟹的佳肴. 前段时间看见亚米 这款【王家渡】麻辣香锅底料好评很高. 于是就馋了.买买买.买起来! 用王家渡做了几次佳肴以后. 发现它真的好百搭. 火锅.凉拌.搭配各种食材炒起来都好好吃. 这款的麻辣味和我最爱的【六婆】的麻辣有些不用. 王家渡的会更辣一些. 用来爆炒真的好香. 这几天螃蟹抓的很多. 所以家属用了巨无霸锅来炒. 真的让美食发挥最大食欲. 主料:螃蟹 辅料:青椒.胡萝卜丝.洋葱(随意搭配) 调料:王家渡麻辣香锅底料、盐巴.鸡精.白砂糖.酱油.料酒.麻油. 做法:把螃蟹清洗干净.切小块.然后入五香.洒粉.热油炸几分钟.然后捞起沥干油.在沥干的时候可以开始制作酱汁.依次加入调料.搅拌均匀以后再到入螃蟹炒几下就完成了.