# 为所爱 放肆嗨 # I actually didn't know what this was before I ate it. I bought it after seeing the good reviews and the price was not expensive... There are six small bags in one big bag, and six balls in each small bag. Opened a pack with the mentality of just eating and watching, took a bite, and clicked—— what! Super crispy on the outside! But half a ball into the mouth melted! The wrapped layer of soybean powder leaves a fragrance between the lips and teeth! The whole ball is a little sweet and a little salty! After eating one, I couldn't resist taking another! A whole entrance, squeeze lightly with the palate and tongue! The whole ball pops in the mouth! All of a sudden the nose is full of sweet smell! A teammate floated next to him: "Don't eat too much in one go, it must be so crispy and oily" Looking at the calorie meter, six balls are 70 calories. Don't eat too much in one go, it's not a problem 😂
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yami_featured_image # 为所爱 放肆嗨 # 这款我吃之前其实完全不知道是什么东西,看着评价不错价格不贵就买了…… 一大包里面有六小包,每一小包里有六个球球。 抱着随便吃吃看的心态打开一包,咬了一口,咔嚓—— 啊!外面超级酥脆! 但是一进嘴巴半个球就化了! 裹着的一层黄豆粉在唇齿间留香! 整个球有点甜又有点咸! 吃完一个忍不住再拿一个! 一整个入口,用上颚和舌头轻轻一挤压! 整个球就在嘴里爆开! 一下子鼻腔里也充满了香甜的气息! 队友在旁边飘来一句: “别一口气吃太多,这么脆油肯定多” 看了下热量表,六个球球70大卡。不要一口气吃太多就问题不大😂