# 双十一必囤 # # 来亚米才知道的美食 # # 一秒变好吃 # # 元气亚米红 # # 为所爱 放肆嗨 # Pick something you've bought recently The goji berries seen in the American Super League are dry and thin And it's not organic, I really can't buy it... Discovered that YAMI sells organic Ningxia wolfberry And the evaluation is very high, I think I need to buy a pack to try it out When I get the goods, I feel that the quality of YAMI is guaranteed! This pack is 340 grams, and there is a reusable zipper bag The point is that when you open it, the fragrance is fragrant, and each one is big and full. Trying one is very delicious, looking forward to cooking soup and adding it to dishes! It is recommended that if you want to buy dry goods, you can go to Yami, and the dates are also fresh.
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# 双十一必囤 # # 来亚米才知道的美食 # # 一秒变好吃 # # 元气亚米红 # # 为所爱 放肆嗨 # 最近買的東西都要挑選一下 美國中超看到的枸杞都是又乾又瘦的 而且不是有機的,實在是買不下去⋯⋯ 發現 YAMI 亚米 有賣有機寧夏枸杞 而且評價超高,覺得要買一包來試試看 拿到貨覺得 YAMI 亚米 品質保證啊! 這一包340公克,還有重覆利用夾鏈袋 重點是一打開香味撲鼻,每顆又大又飽滿 試吃一顆特別好吃,期待煮湯入菜中啊! 推薦大家要買乾貨可以上亞米,日期也新鮮。