# 为所爱 放肆嗨 # To replenish electrolytes, drink vitality forest alien 👽 It also contains vitamin B6 and vitamin E, making the hydration last longer! It sounds amazing~ Yami bought it immediately after it was put on the shelves and tried it. The taste is very like pulsation. The grapefruit and lime have a light taste. sparkling water
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# 为所爱 放肆嗨 # 补充电解质就喝元气森林外星人👽里面还含维生素B6和维生素E,让补水更持久!听起来就觉得很厉害~亚米上架后就立马买回来尝尝,味道很像脉动,西柚和青柠喝起来都是淡淡的味道🍋0糖0卡无负担,但我还是更爱元气森林的气泡水