# 摸着良心来种草啦 # The only thing that can wake you up on weekends is a bowl of breakfast full of vitality! Calbee low-sugar oatmeal has arrived. I want to cook a bowl of oatmeal in the morning. It's cold enough these days. Usually oatmeal with cold things is not suitable. While brushing your teeth and washing your face, boil a little water➕ red dates, put oatmeal after the water boils Flakes, boil over low heat to thicken, add milk to the pot, add Calbee fruit oatmeal, and oatmeal will no longer be monotonous! Eating oatmeal for breakfast can supplement protein, increase satiety, and promote large intestine peristalsis. Our elderly often eat it, and it is too monotonous to cook it alone, and it will make you lose your appetite. I thought that if I bought a low-sugar kid, I wouldn't snatch it from me, but I was wrong! They said they were all delicious, well, I just ask Yamibuy to restock the big bags quickly. The breakfast bread and cakes that I often buy recently are out of stock...
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# 摸着良心来种草啦 # 周末能叫醒你的只能是一碗元气满满的早餐!卡乐比低糖麦片到货了,心心念念早上来煮一碗燕麦,这几天够冷的,平常麦片配冷的东西已经不适合了.刷牙洗脸的同时烧一点水➕红枣,水开后放燕麦片,开小火煮稠,闷一下出锅加牛奶,加卡乐比水果麦片,从此燕麦粥不再单调了!早餐吃燕麦能补充蛋白质,增加饱腹感,还能促进大肠蠕动,我们家老人经常吃,单煮过于单调看了就没胃口,加了卡乐比就好吃很多,这款是低糖的 ,我以为买了低糖小孩就不会和我抢,然而我错了!他们说都好吃,好吧,我只求亚米网大包赶紧补货,最近常买的早餐面包蛋糕都没货了……