# 摸着良心来种草啦 # Autumn and winter are the most sensitive seasons, often with dry throat and dry cough. Don’t be careless during the epidemic. Carry some throat lozenges with you, just in case. Sugar is finally no longer the traditional mint flavor. This ebony has a very strong flavor. Occasionally take a pill to moisten the throat. It can be eaten as sugar and also has the effect of moisturizing the throat. The best of both worlds!
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# 摸着良心来种草啦 # 秋冬换季时节最敏感,经常喉咙干燥干咳,疫情当下不可大意,随身携带一些润喉糖,以防万一.念慈庵乌梅味润喉糖,小铁罐没盒里面都是独立包装,润喉糖终于不再是传统的薄荷味了,这款乌梅味挺浓的,偶尔来颗含一下润润嗓子,即可当糖吃也有润喉的功效,两全其美!